So today I decided that I'll continue with C# and XNA Game Studio and try to create atleast a small sample/demo of a game which I might continue on, depending on wether I can get it to work as close to my imagination of it as possible. If all goes well I'll start with media (Pics, Sound etc.) after the sample/demo is made. Won't bother wasting time to it untill then.
And now I've finished some 2D Tutorials of XNA (not gonna upload as it's mostly copy-paste code/art/sounds from the tuts). But I did create an small WoW-platform Game which can be found in the "
Media" section of the blog (A movie of the game, it's not playable for others). And now I've moved on to a very complexed 3D tutorial which will teach me about vectors, 3D graphic engines and creating them in XNA.